Today we started. I was going to wait until Monday, but the girls have seen, and helped with our "school" and they just couldn't wait any longer. They begged me to start, and we didn't have anything going on, so we went ahead.

The unit we are working on is Apples. And we are also working on the letter A. We talked about the letter A, and what it looks like, and the sound it makes, and some words that start with A.
We counted and sorted real apples into red and green piles. Then we added them together. We also counted the red dots which I called "apples" on the flash cards below. So we worked on counting. They did VERY well. Then we read a book about Johnny Appleseed, and talked about him for awhile.

Snack time:which we won't always have, but I just happened to have a nutritious snack with me! So we cut open the apples, and then talked about the seeds. Then ate them. Afterward we watched a movie about Johnny Appleseed.

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