Friday, January 14, 2011

Job Chart

This isn't really for preschool, but I thought I would share it on here. I wanted to make a job chart for my kids. It turned out to be a lot more work that I thought it would be, but it was worth it. I love how it turned out!
So each girl has their own section, and as they do the items on the chart, they can turn them over. This is also great because as time goes on, I can change the jobs...hopefully someday it will say "Do the dishes!" :)
And there is also a reward system. If they do everything on the chart that day, they will get one "Mommy Dollar." After they have X amount of Mommy Dollars, they get a prize....which I haven't figured out yet. I'm thinking they could pick a toy from a prize jar...bouncy balls, and yoyo's and things like that.
You can download your own personalized money HERE.


  1. that is awesome Necha!! Thanks so much for sharing!! We could really use something like this in our house :)

  2. that is a great idea. how in the world did you come up with it?
