Friday, April 29, 2011

Bees and Honey

I thought it would be fun to do a unit on Bees since it's Spring, and we are going to be seeing bees...maybe...if it ever stops snowing here in Wyoming. We read this fabulous book about a bee.
"The Bee and Me" by Elle J. McGuinness. This book is fun with it's "Animotion" pictures and lots of bee facts in the back of the book. Did you know that all of the worker bees we see are females? The males are called Drones, and they stay in the hive with the queen bee to make babies.

Then we made Peanut Butter Bumbles

1/2 cup creamy peanut butter (I had to add 2 extra tablespoons.)
1 cup powdered sugar
2 Tbs softened butter
1 cup graham cracker crumbs
chocolate syrup for drizzling
1/2 cup banana chips
a handful of mini chocolate chips
Wax paper

Mix the first 4 ingredients. Roll into oval shapes. Drizzle with chocolate to make lines. Add chocolate chips for eyes, and broken banana chips for wings.
Yum! (Basically they are a peanut butter ball with bling.)

Then we tried some honey. They like it.

And then we watched "Bee Movie."


  1. that is so cute! I need more of your inspiration!

  2. You are so good at keeping up with this blog!! :) I'm such a slacker on mine. haha!! I do love those peanut butter bumbles. Super cute. If we ever re-do the bee unit in our preschool then we'll probably make those. But, we probably won't re-do it so we may just make them for fun! :)
