Monday, April 11, 2011

Working on Numbers and Spring

I did a little test to see if the girls really did know all of their letters, upper and lower case. They do!
But now it's time to really work on numbers with them. We are doing the NUMBERS PACKETS again.
I've been putting off a unit on Spring because we haven't really seen Spring here. It's still very much winter! But with Easter just around the corner, I figured I couldn't put it off any longer. We talked about the seasons and how they change. We talked about Spring, and what happens in the spring. Then we went outside to find hints of Spring. We found a few flowers!

We also colored a picture of a bird feeding her babies.
This is a paper that I got from the school-meaning the school that my oldest is going to be starting this fall. She already knows how to hold a pencil, but my youngest needs a little work. This has helped her a lot!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for showing the okay way to hold a pencil poster. That will help me teach my little guy! :)
