Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reading Aloud

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This is one of the best "parenting" books I have ever read. I some how got a copy of it when my kids were really little, and I think it has changed the way I do everything.

I've always known reading was SUPER important. I started collecting children's books for my own children long before I ever even got married. I always knew I would avidly read to my children. But I don't think I knew exactly how important it was.

This book is amazing. If you have kids or ever dream of having kids, I strongly recommend this book, and it doesn't matter how old they are. Even teens should be read to...just in a different way than toddlers.

Read to you kids 20 minutes a day. You would be surprised how easy this is to do. Read the cereal box, books, magazines, newspapers. Let your kids see you reading for enjoyment. Make a habit of reading to your children. And read this book. :)

HERE is a printable brochure.

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