Friday, September 9, 2011


To start this lesson I darkened the preschool room and set up a light to shine on the wall. (My piano lamp worked wonderfully.) I also taped some poster board to the wall to draw on.

We started in the classroom and saw what a shadow was, and how it was made when an object came between the light and the wall. Then we went outside to see if we could find more shadows! We found LOTS of shadows!!
Then we went inside and made shadow puppets on the wall. It was fun to make them talk to each other or gobble each other up.

Here are some shadow animals that we tried to make. Some of them where quite hard to make.

Then we traced our shadows. Daddy just happened to be home for lunch and I had him come help Maggie trace mine.

Then we traced our shadow hands.
We talked some more about WHY we have shadows-that it is us, or an object, coming between the sun and blocking the sunlight.

Then I let Maggie watch the beginning of Peter Pan when he lost his shadow.

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