Monday, September 13, 2010

Alligators and the number 1

We learned about the number 1, and also did a lot in math today. (Actually last week, since I am slow to blog this.) Above is a "math mat." We played a game where you roll a dice and count the number on the dice. Then you put that many "rainclouds" (They were cotton balls) in the circle. It was a fun game and helped them count!
This is a booklet that I found online. It has a page for the numbers 1-10, and I thought we could do them progressively, as we learn each number.
More math...I made these "Bean Counters." They are just circles with the number of beans that belong in that circle. Super easy!
We did more with the Letter A. I was surprised that they got this so easily. They were just supposed to circle the capitol A's at the beginning of the word.
We read a book about alligators, and talked about how they live, how they lay eggs, what they eat, where they live, etc.

Alligator worksheet

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