Monday, September 13, 2010

Alligators day 2

We worked more on the number 1. I wrote a bunch of numbers on a board and had them take turns circling the 1's. They found them all!

We did a lot more on alligators. We "sang" the alligator song/finger play:

"Five little monkeys swinging in a tree
Along comes an alligator quiet as can be
NA NA NA NA NA Can't catch me
Then continue with the monkey's down to one little monkey.

We made sparkly alligators.
We also read another book about alligators.

We worked on writing the letter A, upper and lower case. (I had to help some.)


  1. AWESOME STUFF! are you going to start leaving the links of where you got the stuff online?

  2. I was thinking this just this morning. I need to start leaving links. I will do this just for you Lindsey! (Actually I was thinking about it for ME because I loose the sites after I print the stuff off! lol)
